Algoplus Garden Blog

Celebrating Earth Day by Biological Gardening

Earth Day, celebrated April 22, is about understanding and appreciating the natural world and our place in it.

Nature is brilliantly creative and diverse so our gardens should be too! The biological approach makes use of the same mutually benefiting relationships that nature uses for survival and sustainability. By using a combination of good soil management, repelling pest and attracting good predators you can easily obtain biological gardening. And it's not as hard as you would imagine!


Mini Living Eco System

The idea of biological garden is to make a mini eco system in your pot, plot or landscape. An environment that supports itself is healthier, less prone to diseases, and produces more fruit and flowers.

Compared to conventional gardening, by using the combination of repelling bad and attracting good through symbiotic relationships, a biological garden is healthier and requires less maintenance throughout the growing season.

Companion Planting

During the planning phase, choose the plants you would like to grow and then pair your plants together using a biological method known as companion planting. Companion planting is a buddy system that puts certain plants together to repel unwanted weeds and pests. For instance, planting potatoes near beans. Beans work to repel potato beetles and the potatoes work to repel the Mexican bean beetles. Another great example is marigolds planted with tomatoes.  The strong scent of marigolds repels nematodes, tomato worm, slugs, and other garden pests.

You can also improve soil condition and fertility, reduce weeds and evaporation using companion planting methods.

Plus, you can add in plants attract natural predators like birds and ladybugs. There are many sources for more information on companion planting on the web, in the library or at book stores.

One especially helpful guide is found on the Smiling Gardener's website here.

Soil Composition

Soil building reduces the need for pest management. It means pest resistance or immunity can be achieved through proper nutrition. If a plant is properly nurished, plants have a high level of tolerances to enviornmental stresses. Insects cannot breakdown complex carbohydrates, proteins and plant oils. Pathogens like blight and mildew, as well as many nsect pests will no longer successfully attack them.

We recommend mixing your own potting mix or tilling in nutrient rich material to your garden as well as a regime of ALGOplus at each watering.

Potting Mix Recipe

1 part peat moss or coir
1 part vermiculite, perlite or coarse sand
1 part compost or composted cow manure

- Presoak your peat for a few hours before mixing.
- To improve potting mix structure, increase nutrients and increase water retention add humus or worm castings
- Add1/4 cup lime to every gallon of potting soil to counter the acid of peat and keep the pH level near neutral
- Add fine sand to improve drainage if you fill the mixture is too thick

Growing your own vegetable garden can be fun, rewarding, save your family money and, as most know, the tastiest vegetables come from a home garden!  Whether you are a new or experienced gardener, our Vegetable Gardening Tips will cover every step from choosing plants and designing your garden to harvesting, and give you a few tips from our Agriculture Specialist at ALGOplus!

>> ALGOplus Vegetable Gardening Tips